signs to upgrade garage storage

6 Signs it’s Time for Professional Garage Storage Upgrades

Is your garage looking a little tired? Struggling to fit everything in? A professional garage storage upgrade can be a fun and exciting project to take on! After all, who doesn’t love having everything in its place and easy to access? Wondering if now is the time to upgrade your storage? Read on to find out about the tell-tale signs and how to know when the time is right.

1. You Can’t Ever Seem to Find Anything in Your Garage

Time to pull out the holiday decorations? Need your favorite screwdriver? You know it’s somewhere in the garage, but you can’t find it or remember where you put it last. This is a sure sign that it’s time for a better storage solution.

2. It’s Hard to Get to The Things You Need

Sometimes garages are well organized with a place for everything, but getting to each item is a challenge. If you’re having to unpack multiple other items or move storage boxes to reach the things behind them, you’re probably due for a storage upgrade. Each item in your garage should have a place and be easy to access.

3. You Have Little Piles of Clutter

Got boxes standing around? Is sweeping your garage a challenge because things are standing all over the place? Is it hard to park your car? A professional garage storage upgrade will help you get things packed away and off the floor.

4. Your House Feels Low on Storage

Now this one might sound strange, but poor garage storage can lead to your house feeling cramped. You might be storing all sorts of garage-things in your house – simply because the garage doesn’t have space or feels too disorganized. Proper storage solutions will help you free up space in the house and still keep everything organized.

5. You Feel Anxious Whenever You Need to Find Something

If needing something from the garage strikes terror into your heart, you almost certainly need some new storage solutions. When things are properly stored, you should be able to find them quickly and easily with zero stress.

6. You Don’t Love the Way Your Garage Looks

Does your garage match the rest of your house? Is it an inviting space that you love? Sometimes storage solutions are still functioning, but they’re just looking dated and need to be freshened up. Your garage is part of your home, so if you don’t love the way it looks and feels, then custom cabinets, some sleek new accessories, or maybe even a fresh floor might be just what you need.


Feeling inspired to get your garage organized and meeting your needs? Get in touch with Carolina Custom Garages to get a free estimate and find out all about our innovative storage solutions. No question is too big or too small – we’d love to hear from you and help you optimize your space!