custom garage storage

What Types of Storage is Best for Your Garage

Types of Garage Storage

One of the biggest complaints that most people have about their current home is the lack of storage that they have. It can be frustrating not to have enough room to store items away for that next project or camping trip. Here are some areas of your garage where you could be maximizing your storage potential.

Overhead Garage Storage

Airy garages with high ceilings have the advantage of all of that overhead space that’s not being utilized. Overhead storage can be a beneficial way to store away items where they won’t be in the way. Hooks, racks, and installed shelving are all options for keeping things up high. 


Overhead storage is perfect for putting away items that you won’t need for a while since it’s often not easy to access. Think camping gear stored during the winter months or Christmas decorations stored during the summer months. There are specialized overhead storage holders for items like bicycles and kayaks that can best help you to maximize this space when trying to store more awkward items.

Wall Storage Cabinets

The walls in your garage may be overlooked for their value as a storage space, especially in areas where there isn’t a lot of clearance. Wall racks in these areas can be beneficial for hanging up smaller items, such as brooms and mops. The wall storage rack helps keep them off of the floor and out of your way.

Pegboard systems and shelving can be great additions along garage walls to add more storage. These are great for not only adding places to put things, but helps with keeping your tools and items organized. Wall units are very customizable for the space you have available on the wall, along with what you want to store.

Off the Floor Garage Storage

Keeping things off the floor can go a long way to getting your garage organized the way you want. Cubby systems and bins are one great option for off-the-floor storage. These work nicely because the containers are stored away when not in use but can be pulled entirely out for easy access when needed. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to store all different kinds of things.

Out of the Box Ideas

Think outside of the box when considering where you can add storage to your garage. For instance, you can use your garage door as a storage space with racks that are specially made to fit on your door for items like fishing rods. Another idea is creating a loft that fits above the garage door that doesn’t stop it from opening but uses an area that would otherwise be dead space. Not everyone has the same setup with their garage, so there may be a space you have available that could provide you with more space.

Customizing your garage is one of the best ways to maximize the amount of storage space it offers. At Carolina Custom Garages, we specialize in creating a garage space that optimizes the inside of your garage while making it look fantastic. Contact our staff today to discuss your options for customizing your garage space.